We make our own fun

Did I tell you that these days the mister gets a text from the bank whenever I withdraw money or use my credit card? On account of, you know, it’s not my bank account. If the mister were to sign a No Objection Certificate I could get my own bank account, texts from which he would not receive. But the energy for setting up another bank account? Where would I getz it?

Sometimes, especially if I’ve done his ironing, the night before, the mister rings me after I’ve paid for my lunch but before I get to the car and says, ‘So, did you enjoy your lunch at Dome?’

Such larks, being man and wife.

3 thoughts on “We make our own fun”

  1. Gah! That would pall very quickly for me too. It would be funny for a while, but I think that after a bit he would sign the no objection thingy just so he didn’t get phone calls all day. “Why did you have to go to Woolies twice?” “I forgot the milk the first time” etc etc. Some days I might even do it on purpose if I was feeling evil.

  2. My Mister (Love Chunks) knows when I’m goofing off just by checking Facebook (we have a joint account in both names). “So, busy on that article, are you?”
    Bless ‘im – there’s only so many times that I can avoid saying Piss Off, Poo Head when ‘it’s research’ or ‘I’m having a break’ is worn out.

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