shiny things

Arguments against buying an ipad
– I am on a long vacation in Australia and even if I am sponging accommodation and cars from friends and relatives, vacations are expensive
– we might soon be leaving Abu Dhabi and moving is expensive
– we might be staying in Abu Dhabi another year, and living in Abu Dhabi is expensive
– I don’t have certain employment
– I already have an iphone
– I already have a netbook
– despite proof in pudding of two points above, I don’t actually like getting sucked into consumerism and unnecessary purchasing
– the enough project is pretty bloody sobering, and I don’t find this especially reassuring
– there is bound to be some weird-arse territorial reason that ipads bought in Australia and used in Abu Dhabi can’t download the things I want to download
– it will just be something else I have to try and manage along with the lads’ audiobooks playlists, my music playlists, their music playlists, the odd television show or movie, and the podcasts that I sort of have under control subscriptions-wise, but not at all listeing wise
– I already have a to-read list which I can’t get through unless medical science triples my life expectancy

Arguments in favour of buying an ipad
I want one

0 thoughts on “shiny things”

      1. You are also failing to avert your eyeballs from the reply comment penned by a certain highly-educated blogger who also slows down his walking pace to appraise such conveyances.

  1. As someone wisely said, I think it may have been Elsewhere, “We didn’t know we needed ipods until they had been invented, so how do we know we don’t need ipads” or something along those lines. I think she may have been struggling with a similar list to yours. I am growing tempted to check one out too. Fortunately fractious children have stopped me going to the Mac shop so far.

  2. My parents’ oldies village (“Grannytown” as my son calls it) is including a netbook or iPad for every household this year in the yearly fees. They get to choose. I am trying to sit on my hands and NOT suggest getting a netbook and giving it to me.

  3. Love Chunks might not be living or working in Dubai but I’ve seen him longingly venture over to the ‘touch and play’ iPads in Dick Smith’s instead of getting the computer cables we need….

    …..and I’d love to get him one. (note to self – buy a lotto ticket)

  4. Paul really wants one too. I’ll be interested to see how long he holds out.

    Me? Sadly what I really want is a KitchenAid Standmix. Pathetic isn’t it?

    I have been thinking about it for around 5 years. This afternoon I told myself that I would buy one for my 40th birthday. (I’m 31).

    1. My best mate has both a Standmix AND an iPad. When I’m over there I spend more time looking at the mixer than the pad.
      -better looking
      -no software upgrades
      -makes CAKES

    2. I do have a Kitchen Aid. I think I got it for my 39th birthday. The mister was very embarrassed about buying it, thinking it was the equivalent of buying me a vacuum cleaner. Which shows how much cooking he does, doesn’t it? Go and put one on lay-by

      1. Do they do 9 year lay-buys?

        Paul has been trying to buy one for me for the past year, but honestly the cost makes me ill. I need to build up to big purchases very very slowly, otherwise they have no pleasure for me…

  5. we just got one. do it.

    (well, michael actually bought one for work, but as we’re on vacation for the next two weeks, we get to play with it. he wants to hold out until they make them with cameras, so they will be super good to use with skype…)

  6. @ Cristy, I know what you mean about cringing at the cost, I went with a less expensive brand, buuuut – just think how much more they are going to be in 9 years. Maybe for your 33rd birthday? You will have two kids to make birthday cakes for then so it really is justified. Or a finishing the *thing which must not be mentioned or asked about* present.

    My boss has just bought an ipad. He emailed me from a borrowed wi-fi connection just to make sure it worked (he’s on holidays and apparently I’m the only person he knows who regularly checks their emails [I am an obsessive email checker though]). I am enjoying it vicariously. Apparently Google are bringing out something similar to an ipad soon. Will see how that goes and if the prices come down.

    1. Oh Mindy, that’s brilliant! A thesis-completion gift. THAT I can justify – ’cause it marks my transition into permanent domestic bliss…

      Am emailing Paul now.

    2. The phone rang immediately: “I thought you’d moved on from that…”

      I had nothing to say and distracted him by asking him for dinner ideas. It worked, he had nothing to say back…

      1. I don’t think that any colour combination is better than red and ice ble together, so a blue one will look great against the others.

  7. There seems to have been some sort of mix up. Cristy should have my partner. He can spend so long planning which phone to get he has to start the research all over again because they’ve brought out new models and all the plans have changed.

    Today, after a mere month of thinking about it and saving up, I went back to the bike shop and bought a doovalacky that hooks up the Bloke’s bike to the kid’s, turning the kid’s bike into a tag-a-long. The Bloke is mystified by my snap purchasing tendencies.

    1. I blame my father. He has been shopping (researching, price comparing, etc) for ‘the perfect grandfather clock’ since 1991 and for ‘the perfect teapot’ since sometime in the 70s or 80s. (He is an economist).

      Paul is not particularly impulsive either. He recently bought a down jacket after wanting one and all the rest for over 5 years. (It was 50% off).

      Oddly though, every now and then we shock ourselves with a large impulsive purchase. I never see them coming. (And generally they are kitchen appliances… What does this say about me?)

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