Port Pirie

port pirie

Originally uploaded by adelaide writer

My camera has really never recovered from that first evening we saw the wallabies coming to drink, and in all the excitement, it – the camera – got dropped. But over there in the distance, that’s Port Pirie. Where I grew up. I flew past it last week. On my way to Whyalla where I made a lot of jokes at my father’s expense, and it went down a treat.

And that’s something I’ve never done. Fly to Whyalla, I mean. Not that bit about making jokes at my father’s expense. That’s something I do nearly every day. It’s how my family works.

0 thoughts on “Port Pirie”

  1. I also grew up in Port Pirie, 1957 to 1968, then went to Murray Bridge to live with my Mum who had left us when I was 7

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