at the show


Originally uploaded by adelaide writer

So I went to the show this afternoon, and met the mister, my dad, my boys and my nephew who had been there since sometime before the oven man arrived at my house.

The show goes for a week, and we usually try to avoid going on the weekends. And we’ve had a great day, we really have. We love the show.

We didn’t stay for the fireworks, because the day was not as good as the day we went last year, and by the time we left it had got quite cold. Not really the kind of weather for hanging around. And anyway, we can see the fireworks from our backyard. The ones that go really high into the air anyway. Not sure what you’d see if you bounced on the trampoline. You might have to time the bounces. If it’s not raining at 9.10 pm, I’ll go and give it a try.

I only took one photo today. Of the boys drinking the free milkshakes they got with vouchers they got from somewhere.

So this is me at last year’s show. The inner city greens voter at the woodchopping. And loving it.

And it’s a cappuccino. In case you were wondering. No one in this house drinks latte. And our wine of choice is shiraz. Except in summer when it’s sparkling something like burgundy or ale.

0 thoughts on “at the show”

  1. well, hello there!

    My mental picture of you was different.
    (There were glasses, a plait and about ten more kilos.)

    I will admit to the latte, but at least I have a double shot.

  2. did you get a fairy on a stick? i suppose your boys aren’t interested in fairies on sticks. i always used to get a fairy on a stick. and my mum did too, when she was little.

    nice photo!

  3. I had you as blonde – which I hate saying because that’s what everyone thinks I am before they meet me and my raven locks… well dark brown locks… too.

  4. I think I’ve had photos of myself on here before…it kind of took me by surprise when youse left these comments.

    blonde! No. Never. I do have glasses, but I can’t find them anywhere (and no, they’re not on top of my head).

    I just don’t drink lattes so that I can’t be called an inner-city latte elite. That’s pathetic, isn’t it?

    And no, no fairy stick. And I always wanted one, but didn’t get one. Or I think I got one. We bought showbags this year (street wise nephew), but we didn’t let them do any sideshows.

  5. I remember fairies on sticks. I had one when I was about 7 I think, much later I wanted to get one for my granddaughter and the price had risen astronomically, granddaughter herself said that’s too much money, lets get a nice lunch instead of a hot dog.

    Nice photo of you, I was wondering what you looked like.

  6. last time i was in adelaide i noticed all the women ordering flat whites instead of lattes – my mum included. she said it was cos they were healthier because they had less milk. my brother said that was a myth. i’m not sure who’s right.

    i drink big lattes in paper cups and they make me smile.

    show bags are good too. we used to spend the whole week pouring over the listings in the newspaper, deciding…

  7. Well I’ve never seen a photo of you on here before but because I’m a Web wizard I found your photo on that Tasmanian residential site, so this doesn’t come as a surprise though it’s a nicer photo.

  8. I’ve never seen a photo here either …

    Ah, the show! My sister is working there in some kind of animal suit this week. Next week she’s here for the Melbourne show (hooray!)

    And did you try bouncing on the trampoline?

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