Normal blogging will shortly resume, but in the meantime…

on gingerbread my little boy says: ‘I like the bread, but not the ginger’

and on peppermint: ‘I like the mint, but not the pepper’

ps I am shamelessly fishing for the punchline to a joke which I know is there, but just won’t be written by my brain…so be warned: any comments on this thread – especially the witty ones which give me a punchline to the above half a joke – may be incorporated into my next routine (unless of course you don’t want it to be – I’m shameless, but I’m not completely without morals).

0 thoughts on “Normal blogging will shortly resume, but in the meantime…”

  1. That reminds me of an American comedian, which one I can’t remember: “Those poor deprived kids from the ghetto… you know… the ones to whom Mother is only half a word.”

  2. You need the same kind of unexpected one-two-three punchline twist as the ‘making biscuits with little boys who’ve just discovered their penis’ joke.

  3. You need the same kind of unexpected one-two-three punchline twist as the ‘making biscuits with little boys who’ve just discovered their penis’ joke.

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