At least I understand the blogosphere

I suspect this is one of those ‘if you have to ask, I can’t explain questions…’ but now that I’ve set up my facebook page what do I do?

0 thoughts on “At least I understand the blogosphere”

  1. I’m a bit like you. I’ve set one up and don’t know what to do next. Although, even with my inactivity, I’ve had two friends join me.

  2. I too was paralysed with fright to begin with. Babysteps, I said to myself. Babysteps.

    Seemed to work. Friends arrived. Champagne was sent. Some vampire bit me. I sent a gift and wrote on one or two people’s walls, and put up some photos.

    Most of the applications take some getting used to and some are just silly. Fortunately you can take them down and erase any bit of history you don’t like. If only it were true IRL.

  3. I too was paralysed with fright to begin with. Babysteps, I said to myself. Babysteps.

    Seemed to work. Friends arrived. Champagne was sent. Some vampire bit me. I sent a gift and wrote on one or two people’s walls, and put up some photos.

    Most of the applications take some getting used to and some are just silly. Fortunately you can take them down and erase any bit of history you don’t like. If only it were true IRL.

  4. Erasure – haaa. If only.
    I would not have a clue what one does once one is up. I was sent an invitation, but already had a LinkedIn profile, so I’m sticking with that for now. I’d almost rather be someone completely different in any other online incarnations – maybe it’s time to go flying on SL.
    Do they have blogs on Facebook? Maybe that’s ‘next’…not that it’s new to us of course (smugly).

  5. El, dunno about grown ups, so much. Mesmerising, but I suspect not for all that long.

    3C — the actual answer to your question is ‘check your gmail regularly’ (that is, if you have joined up via gmail — I assume it’s the equivalent for others) — you will get an email every time someone wants to sign you up as a Friend or leaves a message on your wall or sends you something. In fact there’s something waiting there for you now.

  6. El, dunno about grown ups, so much. Mesmerising, but I suspect not for all that long.

    3C — the actual answer to your question is ‘check your gmail regularly’ (that is, if you have joined up via gmail — I assume it’s the equivalent for others) — you will get an email every time someone wants to sign you up as a Friend or leaves a message on your wall or sends you something. In fact there’s something waiting there for you now.

  7. FIRST!

    Also, you can go to “friends”, “invite friends” and it will conveniently check your email contacts to see who’s already on and who you might like to invite.

    PBA it can be scary seeing who the contacts throws up, at least if you’re me.

  8. I’m with friends! I got the Facebook and password then didn’t know where to go next so it’s still sitting there vacant. Youngest granddaughter set me up with flixster, the movie rating site, so she could send messages without stepfather knowing. I don’t know what to do with that either.

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