It’s so cool, I think I might have to put clothes on after all

Well, really, that last entry was a bit dramatic, don’t you think?

And, you know, there’s nothing like a quick look through your statistics, and especially your  google searches to cheer you up.

I am going to write a poem.

It will begin


or perhaps that’s how it will end.

0 thoughts on “It’s so cool, I think I might have to put clothes on after all”

  1. I forgot to rescue my discarded clothes from the bed, where my son will find them and crush them into a drawer. Wrinkled pants, anyone?
    And have written some of a story. Doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as the nocking poem though.
    Thanks for an excuse to look at the stats! and the searches! instead of read all the feeds…I’m off.

  2. And thanks to my headline for the Sleepers Salon, ‘Jesus don’t want me for my pizza’ I came up THIRD in search results for ‘what you don’t want on a pizza’.
    Okay, I’ll leave your blog alone now.

  3. I was thinking of you in the midst of all that record-breaking hot. We were very glad to get the cool change, so that must go double for you!

    All my site stats reveal is that my friends don’t know how to bookmark – my most common search term is ‘Stomper Girl’.

  4. All i get is obviously very young and possibly literarily-challenged googlers looking for “where does a babby come from”, and who are presumably disappointed (or maybe not) to discover that Babby is my cat.

  5. oh fifi that is a fantastic name for a cat. we use the word quite a lot because our hero the York panto-dame always says: ‘me babbies! me bairns!’

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