At least it has cooled down

Today is one of those days when I hope that I will go to bed a different person to the one I was when I woke up.

But I am confident that I will not.

0 thoughts on “At least it has cooled down”

  1. I’d settle for being a different person from the one I was in last night’s dream, where there were still roomfuls and roomfuls of rubbish, detritus and stuff from two abodes ago — 1994 — that had to be cleaned up, sorted and got rid of.

    My sykolojkly transperrent dreemz: let me tellz you them.

  2. I’d settle for being a different person from the one I was in last night’s dream, where there were still roomfuls and roomfuls of rubbish, detritus and stuff from two abodes ago — 1994 — that had to be cleaned up, sorted and got rid of.

    My sykolojkly transperrent dreemz: let me tellz you them.

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