And two hours later, it all sucks again…

You see, this is the kind of thing that gives me the shits. For some reason, the vacuum cleaner, which is by no means old, but I’m sure is out of warranty, though to confirm that I would first have to find the docket, has shat itself.

Which is particularly shitty, because by three o’clock this afternoon, the house was going to look much cleaner than it does, because I reckon vacuuming delivers a lot of bang for your cleaning buck, and I was really looking forward to sitting in front of a DVD and knitting this evening, all the while enjoying the absence of dust rabbits.

And also, it is shitty because, after several weeks (including three when I wasn’t here) perhaps rolling into months, I have just this morning been able to force myself to ring the oven people to please come – at a time of their convenience – and fix the oven so that I can cook again without that niggling feeling of oh dear, are we all going to be incinerated this evening. Which means that I must once again have dealings with the person who came to ‘fix’ the dishwasher, and let’s just say that me and he are never going to be the best of friends.

When did I become this person?

0 thoughts on “And two hours later, it all sucks again…”

  1. Vacuuming sucks.
    And have you noticed how most modern appliances die the day after the warranty expires? It’s a conspiracy I’m sure since spare parts often aren’t available or repairs would cost more than buying a new item. We live in disposable times.

  2. Ours is playing up. I have about three weeks to find the goddamn docket and get it back before the warranty runs out.

    The stress is very great. (I’m not good at filing pieces of paper in the appropriate places).

  3. I remember thinking, ‘Who the hell have I become?’ after the birth of my first son. I went from being a vital- well maybe that is questionable- thinking person, to this zombie that couldnt think past the next lot of damn washing getting dry so the kid could have some dry nappies. No, disposables were not about then!
    As to vacuums… our needs the fluff stuffed up it bloody nozzle by hand!

  4. I have a Miele Cat and Dog (a stylish red number with white paw marks on it) that has already been through one super-expensive hi-tech whizzy-brush thingo and is probably about to wear out a second one. When I was buying it I asked the woman in the shop whether ‘Cat and Dog’ meant it was powerful enough to vacuum up the actual cats if they started to annoy me, she offered to demonstrate on a passing child.

    You do sound fed up, 3C. The only consolation I can offer is to say that I was a renter until I was over 40, and that was worse. At least when you own the house you don’t have to wait weeks and weeks for the landlord’s wife’s nephew to come over and “fix” the wiring in the kitchen with chewy.

  5. I have a Miele Cat and Dog (a stylish red number with white paw marks on it) that has already been through one super-expensive hi-tech whizzy-brush thingo and is probably about to wear out a second one. When I was buying it I asked the woman in the shop whether ‘Cat and Dog’ meant it was powerful enough to vacuum up the actual cats if they started to annoy me, she offered to demonstrate on a passing child.

    You do sound fed up, 3C. The only consolation I can offer is to say that I was a renter until I was over 40, and that was worse. At least when you own the house you don’t have to wait weeks and weeks for the landlord’s wife’s nephew to come over and “fix” the wiring in the kitchen with chewy.

  6. There is only one thing worse than two broken things at once.
    And that would be…yes, three broken things. Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery. Watch teh DVD anyhow, the dust isn’t going anywhere is it.

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