continuing randomness

Honestly, what a whinger. I do apologise. It’s just, you know, I really was trying to get the house vacuumed. Anyway, having recently discovered that I am in fact one of the happiest of all Australians, I thought I’d best buck up my ideas, so herewith another burst of randomness:

  • once the chisel, which seems to have been fashioned at precisely the diameter to zoom up the hose and precisely the colour to then disguise itself as a butterfly valve of some sort thus inviting you to push it a little more firmly into the hose, had been removed from the hose of the vacuum cleaner, the vacuum cleaner once again worked – can I suggest that you keep a pair of those children’s chopsticks on hand – they have an excellent reach and grip;
  • it’s nice to know that people searching for such information as ‘can you catch botulism from vacuum cleaner dust’ have this blog to keep them entertained as they cruise the web looking for a more reliable source of such information, because in truth I don’t know, though very much hope that the answer is no;
  • it is pleasing to know that Baxter – Australia’s first purpose-built detention facility – is about to be closed, though the pleasure is somewhat lessened by the reasons given for said closure;
  • we have reached a family agreement that there will be no more balloons on sticks gathered from the market or any other establishment, and if all promoters could heed this agreement, we would greatly appreciate it – to be honest, those things are so fucking annoying that I am more inclined to boycott your product than support you in any financial way;
  • I spent forty dollars at the Market Arcade Haigh’s this morning, and although it was all presents, it still made me happy;
  • the man who delivered the replacement worms for the worm farm yesterday had to hurry home, because he had a new chook and didn’t want to leave her on her own for too long;
  • the washing machine which we bought from the mister’s sister for fifty bucks (or so) ten years ago has never even needed a service;
  • I am taking great pleasure in the gold good luck cat with the waving arm that Eldest Boy and I bought at the market this morning to present to my newly engaged cousin and his affianced – I very much hope that it does bring them ‘happity and happy hocks’;
  • the bathroom hasn’t been cleaned for a while, but isn’t too bad.

0 thoughts on “continuing randomness”

  1. I use a broom handle to declog the vacuum cleaner. Chopsticks just wouldn’t cope with the First Degree Blockages I create (Lego, marbles, assorted rocks, chunks of the wall, etc).

    Yay for your washing machine. V.impressed.

  2. You do need a good range of things, don’t you. Someone should start a company. They could go around all the hard rubbish collections, fosicking for things which seem to be just the thing for declogging the vacuum cleaner, then hire them out on the internet.

  3. me too – though now I’m feeling the weight of responsibility of caring for the worms (we’ve lost a few farms-full over the years) – I’d hate to have to get replacement ones from him!

  4. I’m surprised I didn’t see you at the market — I was mooching around there for ages this morning.

    Not at Haigh’s though, I am sorry yet proud to say. Me for the baby spinach (2 for 1) and the health-giving fish.

  5. I’m surprised I didn’t see you at the market — I was mooching around there for ages this morning.

    Not at Haigh’s though, I am sorry yet proud to say. Me for the baby spinach (2 for 1) and the health-giving fish.

  6. Mmmm-just thinking about Haighs makes me happy, I love their cappucino bars. Nice to hear you had a happy day.

  7. PC, we were there pretty early this morning, on account of having to get other places. You would of heard me before you saw me ‘if that balloon hits me one more time, I’m going to burst it’.

    river, I’ve never had the cappucino bars – the coffee truffles were once my favourites however.

  8. the man who delivered the replacement worms for the worm farm yesterday had to hurry home, because he had a new chook and didn’t want to leave her on her own for too long;


    I’m a compulsive non-spender myself, and all my money is usually sucked out of me by orthodontists and school extras and such; imagine my surprise when I had a brainfart today and spent $400! on a keyboard for Boychild!!!

    (He did really, really need a new one – his keyboard was shite.)

    Our washing machine has never needed a service in 10 years either, but goes BANG! BANG! BANG1 on the spin cycle. But, I’ve just spent $400 on a keyboard, so it had better last a while longer.

    I was so excited by my spending spree I had to blog about it. I need to get out more.

  9. In anticipation of the Impending Children, we just gave our ten year old working washing machine away and bought a new one.
    Three weeks old and it doesn’t spin.

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