
It’s lazy blogging, but here is a random collection of things written as they come to me and generally unedited:

  • at the market last week, Opinionated Boy and I stood on the correct weight scales together, because I didn’t want anyone else to see my weight, but really wanted to check mine even though I know that I weight roughly quite a bit more than I used to. The young woman who got on after me weighed 45 kilos which actually made me feel better about myself. Still, I need to do more exercise;
  • work-wise, things are really starting to come together for me, though if you were to say ‘so ThirdCat, what is it you actually do‘ I wouldn’t be able to tell you;
  • doesn’t Bec’s party – and indeed Bec – look ace;
  • we have finally managed to block off all the bat holes at the house in which I hope soon to be semi-living, but fully realise that my dream is still very much at the clouds stage;
  • I see on the calendar there where the mister has written his name and the entry ‘fishing – Yorke Peninsula’ and am not at all sure whether this is a joke and he seems not be returning my texts on said calendar entry;
  • Straight-Up-and-Down Boy is really growing up and it is breaking my heart at the same time it is making my heart sing;
  • the unidentified difficult issues which I can’t really tell you about, because it’s not my business to be publishing such things on the internet are as good as they could be;
  • Opinionated Boy is having a lot of trouble deciding what he is going to wear to the fairy party on Sunday – he has a skirt in a truly dreadful shade of pink and of a truly vile fabric which he often wears for dancing and I am supporting him in his decision to wear it even though I really don’t like pink, and I am quite annoyed with myself for even buying into this whole pink discussion (I think the thing putting him off is that everyone stares at him when he wears it);
  • facebook really isn’t doing it for me;
  • if you got The Age last weekend, the next time you share your bed with someone, you should put the magazine – the one with Barrack Obama – on top of your head when you get into bed tonight and then go psst – it is really funny;
  • I have to go, because I have just got an email from someone which throws into some doubt that point above ‘work-wise, things are really starting to come together for me…’ *bangs head on table*.

0 thoughts on “randomness”

  1. And so it came to pass that in the evening, Melbourne was full of people with magazines on their heads, saying pssst.

    And they saw that it was good.

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