Lots and none at all

I went in this competition (you just apply for everything you see, don’t you, said my friend) and now I’m one of three official Festival bloggers. You can see my entries over here if you’re interested. I think that might be the extent of my blogging for now.

In other news, things are up and down and up and down and up again. On the up, the head lice seem to be under control. We’ve been through a lot of conditioner. Tea tree oil has been recommended by a great many people (including river, see below).

If you need me, I’m just here. In my air conditioned house. I know. Not environmentally sound. But we haven’t used it this year. And it really is hot.

0 thoughts on “Lots and none at all”

  1. The link isn’t working for me either! Will try again later – I’m really curious. And admire the fact you apply for everything you see … I THINK about applying for everything I see. But never do.

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