You can be calm and panicky all at the same time

With a simple production like mine – one person, one microphone, one spotlight – there’s not a lot that can go wrong in the ‘ohmigod the mermaid costume hasn’t arrived’ or ‘ohmigod, look what they did to my cello’. Even so, things can go arse-up. Especially if, like me, you don’t know too much about being a producer. One such moment yesterday, though fairly quickly solved.

The good thing about operating at this level of experience is that you don’t know what can go wrong which means you can’t sit around obsessing over things that probably won’t happen. The bad thing about operating at this level of experience is that you don’t know what can go wrong, so you can’t make contingency plans.

I see from that tweet over there it’s only been six hours since I last tweeted. I did that before I went to bed. Up late stuffing envelopes and this morning I woke with a zing. Apples, I will want apples before I go on. Of course, I should have an entourage thinking of such things. But you know, kids these days.

Not sure why the thought of apples should drive me out of bed. It’s not like the shops are even open yet. But it’s nice sitting here with my cup of tea and my internet, listening to the central heating kick in (we don’t know how to turn it off, and we especially don’t know how to turn the central heating off without turning the hot water off – so we’re not messing with it), making a list and just quietly going through what needs to be done.

So that’s the panic bit. But the calm? The calm is that I love my script.

Tech rehearsal tonight, then first preview tomorrow.

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