Why I blog

It was my blogiversary on Saturday. Two years of blogging.

I thought perhaps I would use the time to reflect on all that has happened over those two years, because they’ve been quite full-on years for me. But it was a crap post.

Then, after reading the thread at Pavlov’s Cat’s, I began to toil away at a bit of a ‘why I blog’ post, an earnest essay on the frustrations of reading irritating people whose basic argument seems to be ‘blogging has failed, because blogging hasn’t changed the world’. A comprehensive, annotated account of the very many things that blogging is and can be…

…but you don’t have time to read all that. And I wouldn’t be telling you anything you wouldn’t already know. And also, it’s December. I’ve got salads to make.

So, I’m going to tell you of one piece of blog-related news which has been very exciting for me. I took a post I wrote sometime ago, added it to another post, wrote some more around it, submitted it to a journal, they accepted it, and now, it is included in Best Australian Stories 2007. I can’t tell you how very excited I have been about that.

0 thoughts on “Why I blog”

  1. aaaaagggghhhhh!!!!!!!!

    shrieks with excitement!!!!!!

    Oh, hooray! I always read that !!! and now, YOUR’E in it. Well done, you fab thing!!!

  2. That is freaking awesome.

    Now i’ll have to go read the links offered.

    That ColesChick will be so envious now. Especially since her handwriting has probably morphed into something more ‘respectable’ and less ‘enviable’ ..

  3. Woo-hoo!! You’re a published author!!
    “blogging has failed, because blogging hasn’t changed the world”. Huh – was it supposed to? Isn’t it just another form of expression/entertainment?

  4. Congratulations – that’s fantastic! You will be my role model for what is possible with two children.
    Are you an ‘established favourite’ or ‘an exciting new work from a younger generation’?

  5. oh bless this garret and all who sail in her – so yours is the last, huh? A very fine balance there between lust and longing. Getting into Island is a grand effort too. Top mag. Happy Christmas, you clever TC you.(Ah ha, TC, just got it.)

  6. Have now procured this years volume of stories…and have the added pleasure of “knowing” one of the authors.

    Have a really wonderful christmas thirdcat. Thanks for all your great posts this year, I have so loved reading them. really.

  7. I haven’t even written my Christmas cards yet. I guess a least the work ones got done. I liked your story on the weekend! Bravo, missy 🙂

  8. Just discovered your blog through a comment you left on Allconsuming.
    How fantastic to be included in a collection like this. Have your feet touched the ground yet? I guess blogging may not have changed ‘the world’,but if you hadn’t have blogged to begin with, you wouldn’t now be clutching the book and going yippee!
    (And besides…. it has changed the world. Your story now exists…)

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