Where was Chad?

My football wishes are few: that Port win and the Crows lose.

So it’s lucky we were in a place where we could listen to the game (the radio of course) by the light of a campfire with a clear sky full of stars.

And now if you’ll excuse me, there’re several loads of smokey, sandey washing to be done.

0 thoughts on “Where was Chad?”

  1. I, on the other hand, could hear the crowd in my back yard. When U2 played at Pleurisy Park I could hear the lyrics in my back yard.

    If only Dean Brogan had not hurt himself warming up.

    Never mind. They fought bravely. And they are still well ahead of the Crows on Teh Ladder, which is the important thing.

  2. I, on the other hand, could hear the crowd in my back yard. When U2 played at Pleurisy Park I could hear the lyrics in my back yard.

    If only Dean Brogan had not hurt himself warming up.

    Never mind. They fought bravely. And they are still well ahead of the Crows on Teh Ladder, which is the important thing.

  3. I assumed it was sponsored by a cigarette co. (and my assumption is a sad indictment on Teh Modern World).

    But just mother nature, eh?

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