Tuesday morning

Do you know the longer it goes on, the more calm I feel about the whole thing. The thought of Tony Rabbit as Prime Minister is still making me fall to the ground in a dizzy heap, but by and large I’m feeling okay with it all today. I was living in New Zealand when MMP was first introduced and when the first election was held, and we were waking up every morning to the news that another person had left their party to start their own, and the world didn’t end, it really didn’t.

There’s still two weeks before we go back to Abu Dhabi and the lads go back to school. That’s two weeks to finish off this draft and get the lads up to speed with their times tables. We’re off to a very lazy start today. Even eldest lad didn’t wake up until 8.30 this morning. It’s good, we can all use a bit of a rest. We’ve been having a wonderfully sociable time these last few weeks. ‘Who are we seeing today?’ eldest boy asked yesterday and was shocked when I said, ‘No one’.

Just now, as I walked out of the kitchen my plate of toast and cup of coffee in hand, youngest lad called after me, ‘Where are you going Mum?’ and I called, ‘Back to bed’. And now they’ve pulled out the car track and I’ve fired up the computer and I reckon I’ll get an hour’s work done. As soon as I’ve finished this coffee.

Some days, it is very cool being us, and today is one of those days.