This isn’t really going to help me make my deadlines. Or maybe it is.

It is my birthday on Monday, but as there will be no one at home but me on Monday, I have declared this My Birthday Weekend.

If you need me I’m on the couch making occasional demands for nectarines and soda water with a splash of lime and bitters. Or perhaps a peach, peeled, sliced and lightly sprinkled with castor sugar.

Goodness me, reclining on the couch like this, you can see that those geraniums aren’t doing so well, perched on the windowsill like that. They need a tray or something underneath them so that the water doesn’t run straight out the bottom. Someone really should put their minds to that.

0 thoughts on “This isn’t really going to help me make my deadlines. Or maybe it is.”

  1. I’m sorry… why is there no vodka or gin involved in those refreshments?

    And I found out last week that my upcoming birthday will forever be known as ‘Sorry Day’.

  2. Happy bath-day. Hope it’s groovy. Sounds like it will be.

    I am at Darwin airport. It’s 5 am and coming to life now. I’m also hungry… just thought I’d share.

  3. Drew: And I found out last week that my upcoming birthday will forever be known as ‘Sorry Day’. I hate to tell you I’m shaking with laughter. *slaps self*

    Have a very happy birthday, Tracy!

  4. Thanks everyone. The weekend was relaxing enough. I drank a bit too much Saturday night, then did a new age purge by cleaning the baby clothes out of the boys’ cupboards. Then sat around feeling virtuous again.

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