The most rambling post I’ve written yet

I’ve been at lectures this morning. I’m doing the course in applied ethics that I was accepted into, but was not smart enough to follow the enrolment route in time for first semester. I told you all about it at the time. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten?

Anyway, after Dad died, or in fact, in the week that it became clear he was going to, I followed up on the enrolment, because I thought a bit of structure would be good for me. Plus, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do.

It’s doing my head in. You could see that coming, couldn’t you? Yes, the mister could too. Still, it is good to apply some rigorous thought to my (strongly-, if, as it turns out inconsistently-held) opinions on euthenasia, abortion and the death penalty. Plus, it makes a change from word twist. I was thinking the other day how time-wasting has evoloved from minesweeper to free cell to word twist.

On Monday, it will be the 15th anniversary of my mum’s death. And then a few days later it’s my brother’s birthday. Then a few days after that it’s my dad’s birthday. Do you know writing that has been very good for me. I feel a small barrier breached. Sorry that you have to be involved in my therapy. Maybe you should shut your bloglines subsrciption off for now.

You wish you could be living with me right now, don’t you? Just in case you can’t imagine how great it is, I’ll let you know I just made a cup of coffee with cold water.

But yesterday, I did have what I believe to be a significant breakthrough with a writing project that I believe is an excellent idea, but have not been able to get on top of. Time will tell. Though probably not the time of the next week or so which is likely to involve a lot more time on the couch, under the blanket, watching Scrubs DVDs. Also, Curb Your Enthusiasm is, as my youngest boy would say, hair-lary-arse. He says it like that so that he can say the ‘a’ word. They swear a lot my boys do. But not as much as I do.

I’ve quite enjoyed watching the diving. Not sure why we’re supposed to be getting all outraged that the girl who appeared and the girl who sang are two different girls. Like, yes, it’s outrageous, but, like, on the scale of outrageousness it’s down the ‘not so much’ end. Olympics references.

Well, I think that’s it. I’m off to drink my coffee before it warms up too much.

0 thoughts on “The most rambling post I’ve written yet”

  1. Did you know they turned me down for the face of Dav1d J0nes? In favour of that M1randa lass? Because she’s better looking than me? Outrageous.

    Is it that China rejected a less pretty child as their representative or that people feel ‘duped’ by the miming? Either way, it’s an odd storm in a teacup.

    Applied ethics sounds diverting.

  2. I’m sure no one else has ever been doubled for a voice anywhere else.
    I was more startled by the physical condition of the Chinese gymnasts, myself.

  3. writing is great therapy… it helps get all those complicated and fluid emotions and thoughts organised, so that you can make sense of them… which is a big step.

  4. Happy to help with the therapy (by reading here, that is). I hope the ethics thing helps too.

    And yes to what you said about the red-dress girl and yesyesyes to what Blackbird said too.

  5. (((Thirdcat)))

    Little boys and episodes of Scrubs are both very cheering. If I was a GP I’d prescribe them. Although if you didn’t have a little boy you’d be out of luck.

  6. What Helen said.

    Agree about the Chinese children, and if had not lost intertubes for 48 hrs would have followed up on plans for Serious Blog Post about authenticity and what we think it is, but now I’ve got three beloveds all having separate meltdowns and life has moved on, so I’m glad someone else has said it.

  7. What Helen said.

    Agree about the Chinese children, and if had not lost intertubes for 48 hrs would have followed up on plans for Serious Blog Post about authenticity and what we think it is, but now I’ve got three beloveds all having separate meltdowns and life has moved on, so I’m glad someone else has said it.

  8. You blog therapy-acise away, thirdcat. We love reading it and if it helps you, then all’s good with the world.

    ….even a world with cold coffee and fake Chinese singers (yeh, as if the US hadn’t ever invented lip synching or substituting the average for the pretty).

    Oh and I want to ask Michael Phelps to pull his swimming leggings up higher – I feel so uncomfortable that one day he’ll hoik his arms up in victory too eagerly and his ‘ol American bald eagle will pop out and get the medal hung on it instead….

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