Right. No more word twist. No. No, really. You can’t tempt me.

Okay. There’s too much faffing around going on here. Which is, as everyone says, fair enough and understandable and so forth, but equally, I know I’d feel better if I started feeling mildly productive.

The problem is (apart from the obvious – I mean the problem in pure practical terms), there’s just too many projects in the embryonic stages. Which leaves a person with a lot of scope for faffing. So. In the interests of just getting something down on paper (remember, you can’t get to the final draft if you don’t have the sixty millionth draft and you can’t get to the sixty millionth draft without a first draft which really does involve just putting words down, however crap imperfect those words may be) I shall, before 4.30 pm, write myself 2000 words. Possibly 2500.

It’s 2.24 now (my time).

If you need me, just email. I won’t be turning the internet off.

Update: 3.18 pm. One cup of coffee. Two lines of the mister’s chocolate. One short conversation with a man looking for ‘Mr or Mrs… (I hung up! I’ve never done that before. No ‘sorry not today’. I just hung up!). One just-made cup of tea. 800 words.

Fascinating, no?

Update: 4.40 pm. Some illicit checking of bloglines. Bit of following links that could’ve waited. 2000 words. Not all of them completely useless. Now, I’m going to reward myself with ten minutes of The Bold and The Beautiful. Don’t act all shocked. You already know I watch rubbish television.

0 thoughts on “Right. No more word twist. No. No, really. You can’t tempt me.”

  1. faffing is a seven-letter word i’ve encountered twice now on word twist… along with quahaug, loofful and many other strange and wondrous combinations of letters!

    good luck with the 2000 words, and do challenge me to a game after that – with all those words in your head, you’re bound to win!

  2. i played word twist til i beat you

    then you beat me again

    and then i tried to beat you again

    then i gave up and ate more chocolate

    now im going to watch out there on roller coaster cos i think richard wilson is hot even though he’s much younger than me

  3. We faff all the time in this house. We also lollygag. Haven’t played word twist though.
    At least you’re not watching the Olympics, TC.
    Do a Stephanie Rice and snatch gold.

  4. I LURV hanging up on anyone who pauses more than two seconds before saying anything. If I have a moment of doubt and they ask for me by my (non-existant) married name, I also hang up. It’s VERY empowering.

    Suddenly I want to play word twist. I’ve resisted trying it up to now.

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