Reality? Check.

I was looking on the updated Skilled Occupation list which is to do with Australian immigration, and who gets extra points on their immigration applications or who gets priority or something like that.

The mister and I have Australian passports, so we don’t actually have to prove our worth to the Australian government when we want to go home. They have to let us in. Nonetheless, I was looking at it, because I thought it would be interesting to see whether or not we hold skills that the Australian government thinks Australia needs.

Much as I would love to be considered ‘brain drain’ material, I am not shocked to find that Australia is not missing my skills. There’s a shitload of jobs there, and I, with a BA, an MA, two finished grad dips, one incomplete grad dip, and a not insubstantial number of jobs, could not even fudge myself as one of them.

The mister, on the other hand, with his CV composed of one degree and two employers, seems to be so highly valued that there’s about five terms there which could describe him, including the top three.

0 thoughts on “Reality? Check.”

  1. I think it’s a bit like the studies on wealth and happiness. A certain level of education is helpful, but beyond that (apart from personal fulfilment, intellectual curiosity and obviously if you want to work in academia), it doesn’t really make much difference. I’m pretty nearly unemployable at the moment, and have a fairly similar collection of qualifications to you.

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