Knotted neck

It is a headache which pulls instead of thumps. It begins in the night at the top of my neck – on the right – and pulls until it reaches the top of my eye.

The doctor has shown me the way it works on a plastic head she pulled from the shelf. She looked back through my notes, and asked me questions until I cried. They were the days of the lingering sad and I think she only asked two. But now, she could ask eight or ten or even twenty five. And the fifteen minutes would be up by then and she would not be recommending another appointment for next week.

The knot in my neck stirs my stomach and the pull on my eye leaves things blurred. It wakes me, sometimes, for three nights in a row. I wander around the house. I check the children, rubbing their foreheads, kissing their cheeks, wondering what they dream. If my head didn’t pull, I could work through the soft and quiet night. But if my head didn’t pull, I would sleep.

The headache will go. I start with yoga, then panadol, before I move to nurofen. But the only cure is time.

Sometimes, when it goes, I am drained and melancholy and if Damien Leith sings Hallelujah, I will cry. Sobs not tears.

But other times, I am light with the elation of release, and I sit on the couch chattering with the dreams which will come true. Tomorrow. When I’m not so tired.

0 thoughts on “Knotted neck”

  1. You probably don’t want to be deluged with unsolicited advice, but I find physio’s are good on neck manipulations or adjustments or whatever they call them. They blame laptops for neck things; in fact, they blame laptops for everything. Just as well they don’t know about blogging.

    I thought Damo was better on the Orbison number, myself.

  2. I know that one.

    Wheat bag.

    Oh, wait — do I remember you saying you don’t have a microwave? Hot pack, then, at the top of your neck where it starts. Unknots the knot. Keep re-heating it and whapping it back on there. Just don’t burn yourself (voice of experience, ahem).

    I think Damien is going to win. Wouldn’t that be a hoot.

  3. I know that one.

    Wheat bag.

    Oh, wait — do I remember you saying you don’t have a microwave? Hot pack, then, at the top of your neck where it starts. Unknots the knot. Keep re-heating it and whapping it back on there. Just don’t burn yourself (voice of experience, ahem).

    I think Damien is going to win. Wouldn’t that be a hoot.

  4. Yes, well, I also blame my laptop for the tingling in my wrists and arms – that cursor mover thingy in the middle of the keyboard isn’t good, and I keep forgetting to use the proper mouse.

    I do have a microwave, but I don’t use it. Except for heating Thursday night takeaways with. Which yes, we drive to the shop to collect and re-heat in plastic containers.

    I’ve always wondered about wheat bags. Hot water bottles are good, but wheat bags would be more practical for wrapping around your neck. There should be a fete on over the weekend, so I’ll see if I can pick one up for next time.

    Anyway, I’m feeling good again now and have returned to my usual patient self.

  5. The wheatbag is great but remember to put half a cup of water in the microwave at the same time — it helps humidify it or something. And put some anti-inflammatory cream on your neck as well.

    Twould be a hoot if Damien won — I actually felt Idol suddenly became interesting last night when I saw who was in the final three. I’m hoping Damien will prove to be the Casey Donovan or Kate D’Aruago ‘ugly duckling’ figure of his year.

    And whatever did happen to Emily? Does anyone know? Seems the two best singers from Idol-past have gone to ground.

  6. Tiger balm I like. Don’t know if it really makes any difference, but the smell makes me dream with my eyes open.

    I’m just worried that if Damien wins it will be how it is with Guy Sebastian. I really liked him too, and then he won. Not that I can’t like winners of course. Just Idol winners go to the places where I don’t hang out.

  7. Emily’s a member of The Young Divas.

    To my mind there’s something strange that happens when people win Idol. It’s nothing to do with them at all really. For me, I may well like them/their singing, but my hesitation to buy any of the resulting albums probably goes to the fact that it’s the make-over/journey factor that appeals to me about the show most. Or at least that’s what I’ve concluded today.

    Has anyone ever bought one of the albums for themselves?

  8. I couldn’t move without my TENS unit which I put on my spine every night and neck when it needs it. An ice pack is supposed to precede this but not this winter.

  9. I had some experience with TENS when I put my back out years ago. It definitely helped me.

    My suggestion would be to use a wheat pack. I love mine. I was also advised that a good cold pack (if you don’t have one) is to keep a packet of icing sugar in your freezer. Apparently it’s good at holding the cold and flexible enough to wrap around you.

    I was told this by my massage therapist. I get an accupressure massage (back, shoulders and neck) once a fortnight and I have to say he works wonders. A while back I was having problems with my knee and doctors were talking about arthritis etc (though the x-ray showed that wasn’t the case). I mentioned it to him, he sprayed some Cold Spray on it and really worked the muscle down the outside of my leg. After 3 sessions it was fixed (after a couple of months of pain when walking) and hasn’t been back. So, my second suggestion would be to find a good massage therapist. Even if you don’t ache it’s a damn good way to relax!

  10. It’s taken me a while to get back but the TENS unit doesn’t hurt at all and it’s even used in labour to relax muscles but I’m not likely to try that at my age.
    I’ve got the Sportsmed unit which I think is a little more powerful and I’ve had it for nearly 12 years. It uses a 9V battery so you can take it anywhere.

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