Just popped in to say hello, can’t stay long…

Last night, I did this. And today, I wandered around Carlton, having a jolly fine time, but wishing that after I said to the mister last week maybe I should get in touch with some blog people when I’m in Melbourne that I had ignored his ill-informed comments about always hiding behind a computer screen and followed through. Next time, shall we have a cappuccino? My shout.

Now I am exhausted from a week of nerves and too little sleep, because for some reason, I always wake up early after such things. And of course, I stayed up too late watching rubbish on cable television and eating the punnet of strawberries I had bought from the market earlier that day, in anticipation of staying up too late watching rubbish on cable television and wishing I had something to eat.

Also, it’s school holidays here, so I haven’t been on the computer much what with one thing and another. There’s a beagle asleep in the lounge. As for names, let’s just say that my suggestion – Brett Ebert – only got the one vote.

Did you watch Rain Shadow? It was good, wasn’t it? I really did want to watch that thing about the women who went to the abbey, but I’m off to bed. To sleep. Hopefully that beagle won’t be scratching at the laundry door when we finally harden our hearts and banish it for the night.

Back soonish.

UPDATE: I forgot to tell you that I was greeted at the airport by youngest boy saying ‘and he’s done three pisses on the floor’. He’s done a rather large number since then. Is it toxic, dog wee?

0 thoughts on “Just popped in to say hello, can’t stay long…”

  1. Beagle, huh? Awesome.

    (Not saying anything about Melbourne.)

    One of my cats is too scared to go out the catflap if he thinks there’s chickens behind it (there usually are) so he’s been pooing on the floor. I don’t know if dog wee is toxic.

  2. ThirdCat, how lovely to be a drop in the Cream of Australian Comedy. Quite right too.

    I got as far as actually half-writing an application for that Abbey thing, true dinks — I was fascinated. In the end I figured I could live without blogging for as long as it took but I would miss the cats too much.

    Laura, you do seem to be accreting quite some collection of mixed guano on your floor there.

  3. ThirdCat, how lovely to be a drop in the Cream of Australian Comedy. Quite right too.

    I got as far as actually half-writing an application for that Abbey thing, true dinks — I was fascinated. In the end I figured I could live without blogging for as long as it took but I would miss the cats too much.

    Laura, you do seem to be accreting quite some collection of mixed guano on your floor there.

  4. Second most intimidated I’ve ever been in my life, PC. No, intimidated isn’t quite the word. Overwhelmed. Again, not quite. Shall ponder and try to hit on the right descriptor.

  5. Wow, I’m impressed. That’s fantastic. How did you go? Before you know it, we’ll be seeing you pop up on ‘Thank God You’re Here’.

    Yes to a cappucino for me. I’ll even shout YOU one …

  6. I don’t know the producers of Thank God You’re Here, so doubt you’ll be seeing me there anytime soon.

    I was really pleased with how I went. Obviously, there were funnier people than me. And I really enjoyed myself. Bonus.

  7. I managed three (or maybe four) cup-of-cinos. I got away with it because I wasn’t wearing all black, so they knew I wasn’t from there. Actually, at breakfast on Sunday morning, the young woman who took my order did say ‘where are you from’?

  8. I was a little relieved to realise you were in Sydney, because I still haven’t recovered from that slap you gave me last time I went to Melbourne and didn’t meet you.

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