It makes no real sense to me either

I’ve done very, very little today. Which is disappointing, because I have a lot to do and few child-free hours in which to do that lot

I blame – at least in part – boynton, who put me onto google poems. Here’s the one it wrote about Third Cat

that my neighbor and I both
quarterly performance on the strength

were up to me , we wouldn’t be in
xD i liked the part where puss was in

cat s-and- cat -care.asp – Now
Ennios, HKS DraggerII Exhaust, Yellow

pages for . ( 0.14 seconds) Posted
Cat Inc. (Nasdaq:ACAT) today reported

3 10 2007. I got an email
a cat the Feline Award goes to Basil

and Ellie to the vets on the Friday
(2). BULGARIA. Monday, 17 May

that my neighbor and I both
quarterly performance on the strength

more than they would if you brought
Third Reference Cat . of Bright

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