Isn’t this weather lovely?

Lessons from my day:

if you find a 4 hour, unticketed, close-to-where-you-need-to-go park that seems too good to be true, it probably is;

no matter how long you stand in front of non-automatic doors they will not open themselves;

people who have been doing the same boring job for at least twenty years are bored and do not feel like helping you;

cornice trough is not easily dropped into a conversation;

you know when I was bleating about always coming second – yeah, well, coming second is better than not being placed – I tell you, these last two months I have had more rejections than I can count, though given current circumstances they don’t worry me all that much;

banks will think nothing of dishonouring your cheques even if you have been a customer of theirs for over twenty years, and they will charge you $30 for the privilege;

you can be too polite.

Also, today my grandfather is 92. I gave him Haigh’s ginger chocolates (dark and light – 100 grams of each) which leads me to another lesson – no matter how much you tell yourself you won’t be buying a chocolate frog for yourself, you will.

0 thoughts on “Isn’t this weather lovely?”

  1. gym membership means you can eat chocolate frogs (and chocolate brownies and whatever else you want) without feeling guilty. especially if you actually go.

    i’ve made that parking mistake around adelaide several times, rather expensively…

  2. Were those people who have been doing the same job for 20 years in a motor registry? They never seem happy.

    I had a conversation with a friend last night about his 92 yo grandmother. It was interesting, if gloomy. She doesn’t understand why she’s still on the planet.

  3. Good on you for the frog. It was Haigh’s after all. I’d’ve bought 5.

    My lesson is: it doesn’t matter how many times you think “it’s just for a second” when you step away from the microwave to do something. When you remember about it, the thing inside is always dried out/overflowing.

  4. On the coming second/rejections thing … actually getting off your proverbial butt and entering things rather than thinking about it and never doing it is quite something, I reckon.

    And you can’t go into Haighs and NOT buy a little something for yourself. I have never managed it.

  5. Ariel — quite right, though I’ve always thought their having of giving one a little something for free was actually quite counterproductive. Charming, but counterproductive.

    My own personal Haigh’s weakness of choice is Caramel Chocs. With a little push I could be diagnosed as diabetic and in need of root canal work on the same day.

  6. Ariel — quite right, though I’ve always thought their having of giving one a little something for free was actually quite counterproductive. Charming, but counterproductive.

    My own personal Haigh’s weakness of choice is Caramel Chocs. With a little push I could be diagnosed as diabetic and in need of root canal work on the same day.

  7. Thanks for reminding me about Haigh’s which reminds me to drop into the neighbouring record shop. Now if I could just remember what I wanted to buy there…

  8. Apparently you can successfully challenge all of those bank charges… Of course, that would require some hassle.

    I really want a Haigh’s frog now. Damn you Canberra.

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