I’ll try to get there on Saturday

Just now on my way into work, I heard on the radio that Emirates Palace (which is not, in fact, a Palace, but rather a palatial hotel) has installed the world’s first gold dispensing machine. 175 dirhams will buy you one gram.

In the interests of good blogging, I shall go and check it out. There’s an embroidery exhibition I’ve been meaning to visit anyway.

There’s an article on the front page of the paper. You can read it here (I recommend it).

0 thoughts on “I’ll try to get there on Saturday”

    1. 52 Australian dollars or 32 pounds

      -the information given is of a general nature and is not intended to take the place of professional advice

  1. Definitely. You have to. I especially like the bit in the article which refers to it being ‘a canny purchase for wives’. So true.

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