How funny is that?

Guess what? I was the runner up! Second funniest new comedian in the state as judged in a competition.

The mister reckons I was a bit unlucky, and should have won, and so does my dad. It was probably the best I’ve ever performed, but I don’t feel unlucky or ripped off. I feel myself surprisingly genuinely pleased for the bloke who won, and not at all jealous of him. This pleases me, because that – a tendency to jealousise – is the personality flaw which I am currently trying to soften. Anyway, I thought I was going to be third, which was always going to have to be a kind of ‘moral victory’, because they don’t tell you who came third.

I’m stoked. People really did think I was funny, and they all laughed and afterwards people were saying ‘congratulations, you were great, you really made me laugh’. How cool is that?

One day, I will write a compare and contrast post about being a raw bridesmaid and being an unpublished manuscript one (the link within that link doesn’t work, sorry, but it used to be a good one). But for now, I’ve got a bit of grandfather care to be done, and maybe one day I’ll be able to make jokes about that, but right now it’s a bit too hard.

Thanks for the good luck wishes all.

0 thoughts on “How funny is that?”

  1. But Casey won, so wouldn’t it be the other way round? Like, ‘second will do better’?

    3C, at 7.08 last night I saw that this was on. I calculated whether I could get to the venue in time, and if so whether I could really afford to take the night off working, and/or take the chance that it would be full, and then I decided seeing someone you weren’t expecting in the crowd might cramp your style, so I stayed home. But I wish I’d been there, now.

  2. But Casey won, so wouldn’t it be the other way round? Like, ‘second will do better’?

    3C, at 7.08 last night I saw that this was on. I calculated whether I could get to the venue in time, and if so whether I could really afford to take the night off working, and/or take the chance that it would be full, and then I decided seeing someone you weren’t expecting in the crowd might cramp your style, so I stayed home. But I wish I’d been there, now.

  3. Congratulations. I know it’s hard getting up in front of people and performing. I think comedy is probably one of the hardest things to do too.

  4. Thanks everyone. PC, you did have to be a bit dedicated to get in. There was only a small allocation of tix sold beforehand, and for the rest you had to line up on the night. Nice of you to think of it, but.

    As a bit of an aside, my dad went and stood in the line at 7.30 and when I went to meet him, the woman standing next to him said – in a very aggressive way – ‘queuejumper’. I didn’t know what to say, so I just kind of smiled, and had to work very hard not to let her spoil my whole night because apart from not being one (I got in for free obviously) it is such an awful word. Anyhoo, as my father (wisely) says ‘she who laughs last laughs loudest’ (or is it longest).

    Re podcast, I’m not sure. I will try to find out, tho my technical skills in this area are limited. Anyway, I’m sure you’d be disappointed if you heard me – I’m not that hilarious yet.

    And hi jen! I’m sure you have commented before, but I reckon it was a while ago.

  5. Hoorah! That’s so exciting!

    Podcasting isn’t actually as difficult as it sounds (ahahahhaha) – make a digital recording of the sounds, then upload the sound file to your site and provide a link to it somewhere on your site. You can make it possible for people to subscribe to your podcast, but it’s not really worth it unless you want to do more than one show/file.

  6. How satisfying to think that the ‘queuejumper’ accuser was proabably mortified when she saw you on stage.
    Congratulations – I think this is *amazing*. I also would love to hear a podcast. I would laugh uproariously, I know I would.

  7. Yaaaay! Well done Thirdcat. I too would like to hear the second best comedy routine in SA, and I’m impressed at your lack of jealousy. Well done on that front too.

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