December will come which will be winter which is weird if you grew up south of here

A meme from suse and janet (at muppinstuff)

What’s hot
– My booty (I know, sophisticated and hilarious)
– Abu Dhabi autumns – while the temperature has definitely dropped and the humidity levels are almost bearable, it’s still around 35 degrees most days
– Vacuuming – my goodness me you can get up a sweat vacuuming in 35 degrees
– Cooking – see vacuuming
– The walk to school – see cooking
– Iced tea left out of the fridge for more than five minutes – see Abu Dhabi autumns
– Swimming pools that have not been cooled – see iced tea left out of the fridge for more than five minutes
…and so on and etceteraggghhhh

What’s not
See above

PS I had 12 kilos on my bar during the chest track in yesterday’s pump class. I am proud of this.

PPS I’m sorry I can’t link to janet’s blog because for some reason I can’t see any typepad blogs – they aren’t blocked, because I don’t get the blocked screen telling me that the site is blocked (as I do, for example, with skype and flickr), and I can see them through google reader (which is good if you’ve got your feed reader set up to send full posts to the reader), but they don’t download.

0 thoughts on “December will come which will be winter which is weird if you grew up south of here”

  1. I have bloglines, and in that if you right click on the heading bit of the blog you want to link to and then chose ‘copy shortcut’ or somesuch, you might be able to do it that way.

    Also, humidity! Ugh.

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