bleeding edge

so, you know I left twitter, and with all the privacy carry-on, I’d leave facebook too, except I like keeping in touch with my cousins and playing wordtwist with my friends, and I don’t post any photos or anything, and plus, I just can’t sever my ties with the interwebs quite that much.

Anyhoo, I found this thing diaspora. I’ve got no real idea what it is, but it looks kind of cool, and I’ve always loved dandelion clocks, so I’m going to give it a try.

Sorry I’ve not had a chance to upload my photographs. It’s the thought of all the cords. It makes my heart race and my head thump. Cords suck. As opposed to the chords eldest lad has been messing with on the keyboard this week. Those chords soothe my head and calm my beating heart.

0 thoughts on “bleeding edge”

  1. get a card reader, tc- then you don’t have to worry about those horrible camera cords again. even if you lose them.

  2. Goodness. Just checked out Diaspora. You are indeed bleeding edge, marm. Right up there with the NYT, no less.
    Looks rather cool – I hope it will be easy enough for teenagers to use.

  3. I don’t understand what diaspora is. But that’s okay, right, because I’m not too old, because you’re not too old, so it’s fine.

    It’s fine.

    I still don’t understand it, though.

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