At dog obedience, South Parklands

Being as I am, petrified of dogs – particularly medium dogs, and especially large dogs, and including dogs that bark as well as dogs that don’t, and not excluding dogs that are on leads, and encompassing dogs that jump, walk, run and sit, and not forgetting pedigree dogs, bitza dogs and any dog that was ever born – I take deep breaths and tell myself dog people are just cat people but with dogs.

0 thoughts on “At dog obedience, South Parklands”

  1. I know. Dogs also are not people. It’s a very different way of thinking, isn’t it? And as a friend of mine said to me earlier on today when I said something or other (I think talking about how beautifully coloured our dog is compared to another beagle I saw last night): ‘you’re already turning into a dog person’.

  2. Oh, and to kind of explain why I was more focussed on the people, because I was just trying to reassure myself that I could fit in to this strange new world.

  3. Beagles are especially smelly. But you know, I’m getting used to it. He doesn’t sniff your crotch – though I guess that could just be because he’s too short to reach. Though we’re a short family.

  4. Our dog smells of clean fur. For some reason, it reminds me of pea soup. She doesn’t sniff your crotch, but she will rest her head on your knees, or give your elbow a big nudge with her nose to announce her presence.

    When she sees us after an absence she gives a “ArgleargleAaaargh!” of welcome and does a happy dance. She sleeps under the desk when you’re at the computer, and if the room is quiet you can occasionally hear her heave a deep sigh.

    She is so dear. I can’t imagine life without a dog now.

  5. Ah, but dogs steal your heart. Before you know it you are a ‘dog person’!!
    Our dogs only smell of wool, & dont have the typical ‘dog smell’. But when you love a dog… you love the smell. And you don’t care if others don’t love it also.
    crotch sniffing?? Go buy a truss!!

  6. Yes, our pup also sleeps under the desk (he is still sleeping a lot), and it is good to have his company.

    Yes, he is stealing my heart.

    And yes, he craps. A LOT. And yesterday, we were nearly late for school, despite my excellent organisation, because I was wiping said crap from a school shoe. But at least he is already learning to crap outside.

  7. Oh yes, the crap. There is that 🙂

    Have you learned to use the poo bags? That’s an aspect of dog ownership I could do without.

  8. If I were about 20 years younger and fitter and lived in the country, I would have a Border Collie, which is the kind of dog I grew up with, and which I regard as a sort of honorary cat. As Liz at As the Tumor Turns has said of dog obedience classes, there’s always one damn Border Collie sitting up in the front row with its glasses on and its calculator out, doing everybody else’s tax.

  9. If I were about 20 years younger and fitter and lived in the country, I would have a Border Collie, which is the kind of dog I grew up with, and which I regard as a sort of honorary cat. As Liz at As the Tumor Turns has said of dog obedience classes, there’s always one damn Border Collie sitting up in the front row with its glasses on and its calculator out, doing everybody else’s tax.

  10. Hello, PC…are you feeling better? Border Collies are gorgeous, and we did think about having one join us, but they are a bit big for me, and I think they need a lot more exercise than we would be able to give it.

  11. I was just trying to convince myself that I wasn’t out of place…that we all believe the same things (pets rock), just have different ways of displaying that belief (cats v dogs).

  12. Well, I’ve been a dog person all my life.
    But some dogs scare me still.
    In general, you look at the owner to see if you should be scared, and if they’re an angry young man wearing a spiky collar and their dog is called Rambo, you fall back and wait till they pass.
    Female owners generally have gentler dogs – (gross generalisation I know) unless it’s me, who is often seen walking with a friend’s crazy bluey, who has to stay on the leash the whole time.
    (My own dog was a lab, who needed company more than space, and he was an excellent writerly dog.)
    One of the best things about dogs is the mirth they create. A laugh is never far away.

  13. Blue heelers…they PETRIFY me. Which is part of the reason I started down this whole Dog Road – people with whom I, and my children, spend a lot of time have a blue heeler, and it seemed to me quite anti-social to always be asking them to lock it away.

    Labradors are beautiful, but they bounce.

  14. My parents had a lovely Labrador but he didn’t like me because he knew I liked the cat better. The cat was allowed inside and liked to rub it in.

  15. Labradors stop bouncing at about the age of 5 and become mellow and totally adorable. Not that they are unadorable under the age of 5 either. They are the BEST DOGS EVER.

  16. I agree with that.
    Mine was always more Pooh than Tigger.

    The blue heeler is fine (affectionate) with people btw – she just doesn’t like small white dogs.
    And I feel I should qualify my terrible sexism of last comment.
    When I walked my dog, wary of him getting into a stoush, if I saw say, a Rottie or Staffy approaching, I’d be less worried if it was being walked by a woman than by a man, who might be one of the 0.37% of men who have aggro dog as macho accessory.

  17. Poodles are gay**, and they flounce.

    Port fans are beagle boys and you need a labrador retriever for your VCR.

    * Wearing a dress, a bonnet and a pink bow to fit in.

    ** NTTAWWT, some of my best friends are poodles.

  18. boynton, at the dog obedience introductory lecture they said ‘ladies stay with the training longer than men’. No idea what that means, but that’s what they said.

    I did look at a few of those poodle cross breeds – spoodle and labradoodle and so on. We no longer have a VCR. We have a DVD player which works most of the time.

  19. Boy dogs seem to poo much more than girl dogs (based on a sample of three).
    I’m a dog person or should I say I’m a staffy person, as one of the things you’re undoubtedly discovering is that dog people have allegiance to their breed – but I am still scared of very big dogs unless I know them.

  20. Suzoz, no dog could possibly poo more than Maggie.

    SO just came home from a walk in the park and said “I’ve just met the person who inherited Ted Whitten’s dog! and, it’s a kelpie Rottie cross!” (ie, like ours. And it’s kind of an unusual mix.)

    Girlchild said “Squeeee!” and then, “Who’s Ted Whitten?” (Bearing in mind we are in the general Footscray area)

    We despair of this child.

  21. It’s true, dog’s crap but so do all living things. At least dogs generally crap outside so it’s not the first smell to greet you in the morning.

    All pets are cool, they reduce blood pressure and stress and contribute to a healthier, longer life for their owners. What’s not to love?!? 🙂

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