A little slice of my Fridays

The Friday midday prayers are the most important prayers of the week – the equivalent, if there are such equivalences, of the Sunday morning service. They are followed by a sermon which can be heard as clearly across the city as the call to prayer.

I don’t understand it of course, so I always look in Friday’s paper to find out what that week’s sermon is about. This week, it’s about conserving water.

0 thoughts on “A little slice of my Fridays”

  1. Well, that’s not a bad message.
    The last time that I voluntarily attended a church, the sermon was all about the godliness of voting for the DLP, (R.I.P.), rather than for the A.Labor Party.
    Oops. I think that that should have been “Godliness”.

  2. Conserving water!!
    Those wild-eyeed islamists!! Oh why do they preach their hatred of our long showers!*

    *Trying for comic effect – I don’t actually insist on long showers!

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