A brief break in transmission

I know this is completely irrelevant to most of you, and I don’t really do straight politics here, but I have to just every now and then.

Did you listen to the broadcast of Nicole Cornes first press conference? You can hear it here. It really isn’t easy to listen to though. Let’s forget the fact that she tells us she has voted for John Howard in the past. Let’s forget the fact that I’d hardly call her a celebrity or even ‘glamorous’ candidate. Let’s forget that dodgey stuff she wrote about David Hookes and the women in his life. I like her mostly. And yes, I listen to Graham Cornes on 5AA (judge me as harshly as you like, but you can’t judge me as harshly as I judge myself), and I like him even more now that I read in the paper this morning that at the last election he voted for the Greens. And as we often say as we sit on the couch at the end of the day…’who is the best, Kane or Chad‘?

Of course, all of those people have nothing to do with Nicole’s running for the ALP, but I’m just trying to show you that my basic sympathies lie with her.

So, listening to the broadcast this morning, I thought could someone not have clued her in to the details on the new ALP uranium mining policy before she spoke? And maybe a couple of other things. It wouldn’t have been that hard.

Anyhoo, makes my voting decision easier, because I was thinking I might have to switch my first preference vote from the Greens to the ALP and it was kind of gonna hurt. But really, if the ALP is putting up people who voted for John Howard…says it all, doesn’t it?

And right now, I can’t tell you just how much I’m missing my mobile, because the witty texts between me and my friends would be flying right now.

0 thoughts on “A brief break in transmission”

  1. ‘Let’s forget that dodgey stuff she wrote about David Hookes and the women in his life.’

    Sorry, no chance.

    ‘I thought could someone not have clued her in to the details on the new ALP uranium mining policy before she spoke?’

    Or perhaps she could have even followed the conference. Yes, I know it’s a big ask. But still.

    ThirdCat, either your irony is so subtle here as to be undetectable even by a fellow feline, or you are just too nice for your own good.

  2. ‘Let’s forget that dodgey stuff she wrote about David Hookes and the women in his life.’

    Sorry, no chance.

    ‘I thought could someone not have clued her in to the details on the new ALP uranium mining policy before she spoke?’

    Or perhaps she could have even followed the conference. Yes, I know it’s a big ask. But still.

    ThirdCat, either your irony is so subtle here as to be undetectable even by a fellow feline, or you are just too nice for your own good.

  3. Let’s forget that dodgey stuff she wrote about David Hookes and the women in his life.

    Let me guess: it’s soooooo unfair that a blonde can’t get access to her dying boyfriend in hospital just because his bloody wife and kids are there. Selfish people!

  4. I vote ALP in the lower house and even I’m having second thoughts about this one.

    Now, I’m not from here, so can someone tell me: would she have a public profile (column in the paper, etc) if she weren’t screwing an ex-footballer?

  5. PC: well, yes, it did occur to me that keeping up with the policy wouldn’t have been too hard. But, you know, it doesn’t look like she’s been given very good advice or support by the party (shades of Cheryl – with some obvious differences).

    Now, drew – I think the relationship has more substance than that (not that it’s any of my business if it hasn’t of course), and I think she has proved she’s got talent and so forth. But no, I don’t think the surname hurts.

  6. Sorry, 3C, I think I’m being a bit harsh. I guess one of the things about Adders that bothers me in an ongoing kind of way is that it’s still just small enough for mediocrity in any field (frogs, puddles etc) not only to survive but to flourish. It’s depressing.

  7. Sorry, 3C, I think I’m being a bit harsh. I guess one of the things about Adders that bothers me in an ongoing kind of way is that it’s still just small enough for mediocrity in any field (frogs, puddles etc) not only to survive but to flourish. It’s depressing.

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