Twenty days

It was extremely polite of youse not to say, ‘erm, Tracy, thought you were being grateful and there you are whingeing again’. Some of youse might have spelt whingeing without the ‘e’.* I think I should have written, ‘I am grateful for the hour each morning I get to spend alone’. I cracked myself up when I realised what I’d done, following my gratitude post with another whinge like that about ruined days. So I might suck at gratitude, but I do know how to laugh at myself. I think being able to laugh at myself makes my other flaws more manageable.

*by which I mean not to cast nasturtiums on your seplling, only that I don’t know how to spell it and I could go and check, but because of reasons, right now, I’m not going to.

0 thoughts on “Twenty days”

  1. Would you like me to send you a Diana Wynne Jones book? I know it doesn’t solve any problems, but it’s a nice rest for a little while.

  2. I’m behind, so this comment covers the previous 5 or 6 posts, K? I, too, could never do a gratitude journal (too much cynicism here too) but I do try and cultivate the attitude. Oh my; how that sounds. You know what I mean. And the sound of the first alarm would ruin my day too, but I’m not working full time so I don’t get up before them. Still, the few times it’s happened…

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