tracks in the sand


Originally uploaded by adelaide writer.

According to my wise friend, the ends of old decades are much harder than the beginning of new ones. ‘When you’re 40,’ she said, ‘it’s a celebration and everyone tells you how good you look.’

Only two more years.

This, by the way, is a photo I took on my birthday when we walked along a beach where no one else had left their footprints that day and my littlest boy drew tracks in the sand, my eldest boy bounced, and everyone poked their fingers into anenomes.

So really, you have to wonder where is all this ‘what have I got to show for my life’ coming from?

Maybe it’s because there was no cake.

0 thoughts on “tracks in the sand”

  1. when was your birthday? mine is today, im turning 29. ha! i mean…


    first time i had to write that…at least i havent had to say it yet

    you should go out and get your own cake and not share it with anyone. of course, it should be bought with someone elses money

  2. happy birthday, carly. Mine was ages ago now. I’m just bleating on about it a bit.

    The cake was irrelevant at the time, because we were camping, but maybe I made a mistake being so ‘oh no, that’s fine I don’t need a cake’ about it all.

  3. I’m sure there’s a rule about saying ‘oh no, that’s fine I don’t need a cake’. I’m positive you’re only allowed to say it when there’s ice cream waiting to be eaten 😉

  4. ThirdCat, everybody asks themselves that.

    Whenever I ask myself that, my answer to myself is the one I always think I’d give, if I were a politician, to idiot journalists playing Gotcha: ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t accept the terms of the question.’

  5. ThirdCat, everybody asks themselves that.

    Whenever I ask myself that, my answer to myself is the one I always think I’d give, if I were a politician, to idiot journalists playing Gotcha: ‘I’m sorry, but I don’t accept the terms of the question.’

  6. Yes, it’s easier being at the beginning of a new decade than the end of an old one, for some reason.

    (No one said I looked good. However, my mother still refers to me as ‘young lady’.)

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