too much time reading the interwebs and listening to the radio

Two things which no longer need to be discussed in newspaper columns or  on radio:

1. The names people give their children. Yes, there are some rubbish, even ridiculous, names, no I wouldn’t give them to my children, but some people did. Can we move on please?

2. Hard rubbish. Some people like rummaging, some do not. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Makes the streets look untidy. Charities are so fussy these days. Again with the moving on.

That is all.

0 thoughts on “too much time reading the interwebs and listening to the radio”

  1. You probably get even more of it in Melbourne than we do here.

    I’m in two minds about it all. On the one hand, starve the fire of oxygen. On the other, you’d hope the more it’s discussed, the more people come to see it for what it is. Awful. Either way, I’m back to boycotting Channel 9. Which is like, totally a sacrifice.

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