This (day) too shall pass

The day could best be summed up thus:

everyone in this house is giving me the shits,

yes, including I, but especially everyone else.

Also: does anyone know what it is that the dog is crunching on? I can’t bear to look.

0 thoughts on “This (day) too shall pass”

  1. I’ve just come over from Pea Soup – since she’s great and she recommended you – and I’ve only read a few posts and I’m hooked. I love the way you write. But I MUST go and tidy and dust and vacuum now. I only ever switched on the computer for a teeny minute to see if I had any emails and then I thought I’d read just one blog…

    Hope everyone starts treating you better soon. Even you.

    I’ll be back. (Sounds like a threat, but you know. I just mean to read more.)

  2. TC, I Think I’m going to start a Facebook group called “My Family Gives me the Shits.” Commiserations. I was out last night, Girlchild looking after dogs (she’s 16), came home, dogs had been locked indoors while SHE was out then not let out after dinner, poo on floor, dog’s water bucket EMPTY. Not just low, EMPTY. GAAAAAAAAH.

  3. Hello, Isabelle – nice to meet you! And nice cat you’ve got over there.

    It’s not so bad today. I think I’ve stopped giving everyone else the shits too. Coopers sparkling ale helps – I think I was beyond knitting as therapy. Which is unusual.

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