0 thoughts on “the things you find when you’re moving house (the first in a never-ending series)”

  1. Overpriced crap.

    And I have to try not to dissolve in giggles when a demonstrator looks so excited about the result of cleaning a mirror. Hello – its been cleaned – that’s why it looks good!

    (this from a kind-hearted idiot who attended an Enjo party only a month ago in order to see a dear friend and bought some pathetic thing for $75……that still hasn’t been delivered)

  2. I always thought that it was good for cleaning stuff that wasn’t really that dirty to begin with. For me to use Enjo properly, I’d have to do a really big clean first, then I could use the Enjo each day to keep it nice. And who has time for that crap?

  3. Ah yes, my first, very expensive and thankfully one and only, Enjo party waaay back in 2001….

    Outdoor BBQ glove is now part of the stuffing in Milly the dog’s outdoor bed!

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