0 thoughts on “that’s that then”

  1. I’m impressed you managed to hold out this long.

    My brother used to do amazing things with the lollies from his Xmas stocking, like rationing himself to one tic-tac a day.

  2. I still have some because I put it in a cupboard and forgot about it.

    Nerny nerny ner ner.

    The chocolates (Lindt balls) were liquid in the heat (held together by wrapping) so I have hidden them in the fridge. There is always the danger the kids might find them.

  3. We’ve been away a lot, and also got some late ones last weekend. Also, I had quite a lot of them in hiding.

    Lindt balls are a bit heat sensitive, aren’t they? I can’t imagine why the spaminator keeps all your other comments and lets that rather rude one through.

  4. Just pop down and get me some, will you? Since apparently, you have nothing else to do. And if you could bring back some kind of vegetable that would be useful too since there seems to be nothing of that sort here, except bucket loads of tomatoes.

  5. ‘nothing of that sort here, except bucket loads of tomatoes.’

    Oh, brag brag brag.

    I don’t suppose you have any suggestions about the prevention of Blossom End Rot?

  6. ‘nothing of that sort here, except bucket loads of tomatoes.’

    Oh, brag brag brag.

    I don’t suppose you have any suggestions about the prevention of Blossom End Rot?

  7. Oh the hideousness of tomato envy…I have a full blown case. I was slack and mine are only just flowering.

    I didn’t get any Christmas choc this year, perhaps everyone knows you don’t give chocolate to the partner of someone who is upwards of 150k. Very kind of them, sort of. I still have one candy cane gathering fluff in my handbag that I put there shortly before Christmas to offer to D as an incentive if needed. it wasn’t, apparently.

  8. We still have quite a few of F’s Christmas chocolates. They’re in the cupboard, hoping he forgets about them. When he, on occasion, remembers, I apportion some out for dessert. Last year we had to throw some of his chocs out. (Mine, on the other hand, I ate within the week …)

  9. Well, what do you know. The back fridge is still on and there was the tiniest bit of chocolate ice cream left.

    I think we had that blossom end rot last year. Or the year before. I think it’s do with calcium in the soil and possibly the amount of water the plants got. But the science of growing tomatoes is pretty minimal in this garden. We just plant lots of plants at a few different times between September and February and mostly it works out okay. Crit, you’ll have bragging rights at Easter, when you’re still eating yours and all of our plants are dead.

    ‘Last year we had to throw some of his chocs out.’ You didn’t eat them after he went to bed?

  10. Bragging at Easter then, unless of course there’s been a frost by then in which case all we’ll have is pile of slimy disgustingness. Or unless they’ve all died of thirst while I’ve been in colder wetter places…

  11. I still have some Christmas chocolates left today, February no less, because someone gave me some for Christmas and left them in the work fridge. That I only found them today is a technicality – they had a Christmas card attached to them so they are Christmas chocolates. I wish I could feel virtuous.

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