That’s right. I meant to go to the gym this morning.

Current status: all of my fingernails are shorter than I would like them to be.

Or, in other words: nothing to see here. Move along please.

0 thoughts on “That’s right. I meant to go to the gym this morning.”

  1. SAME!! 🙂
    but will get to gym tomorrow evening by hook or by crook. Either that, or increase my carbon footprint by tootling through the Eastlink tunnel to Readings, brunny st. bookshop and teh movies.
    The nails, however, are a lost cause.

  2. Yeah, snap about the nails, girls.

    I periodically put Stop’n’Grow on them (a substance I first encountered at 16 when I was trying to grow my nails so I could get my classical guitar technique right). It works, but it also gets all over all the food I touch. The Pollyanna aspect is that in a good week my nails grow and I lose two kilos.

  3. Yeah, snap about the nails, girls.

    I periodically put Stop’n’Grow on them (a substance I first encountered at 16 when I was trying to grow my nails so I could get my classical guitar technique right). It works, but it also gets all over all the food I touch. The Pollyanna aspect is that in a good week my nails grow and I lose two kilos.

  4. It’s a funny thing about the nails. I finally (almost) stopped biting mine when I got married for the first time, but I occasionally lapse if they break. Right now the hormones that made my hair lustrous and my nails strong have all abandoned me, so broken nails all over. I don’t like it either. Stop’n’grow never worked for me, I was far too dedicated a nail biter. I hope your situation picks up.

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