Sunday nights

Grey’s Anatomy is not worth staying awake for. Which makes me wonder whether it ever was.

0 thoughts on “Sunday nights”

  1. wasn’t last night’s episode terrible! to think we sacrificed an hour’s sleep for that rubbish… or at least, i’m assuming you did…

  2. Oh no! I can’t bear it (brothers and sisters that is). Maybe it’s because by the time I get to it I’m so irritated that I can’t stop being irritated.

  3. I find both Sally Field and her character pretty unbearable, but I like most of the others. I particularly like the gay brother and the Rachel Griffiths character. (Although she is much more boring now in the wake of her Marital Tragedy.)

  4. I find both Sally Field and her character pretty unbearable, but I like most of the others. I particularly like the gay brother and the Rachel Griffiths character. (Although she is much more boring now in the wake of her Marital Tragedy.)

  5. I think the problem is Sally Field’s character makes it seem like a kind of serialised Steel Magnolias…and not that I didn’t love that movie – I know, I know – but just…you know…

  6. I was going ot say it but Pav said it for me … I read the reviews by TV reviewers I often nod along with saying it’s cheesy and OTT drama, and I’m sure they are right but I love it anyway. My mum likes to tell us that she’s been told MORE THAN ONCE that she looks like Sally Field and so I think the character makes me think of my mum, who lives interstate, and the big family makes me think of mine. It’s my comfort TV and I love it … and yes, I do love Rachel Griffiths’ character.

  7. Aaaah. People, B&S is the role of a lifetime for Ms Field (whom I have never liked much). Griffith and Flockhart push her beyond all her boundaries – the three of them in one show, what riches. Almost as cool as LA Law used to be. And the dialogue written for Flockhart is terrific – Lowe’s a bit bloody wooden, but otherwise all her bits are fab, and our Rachel would be wonderful selling washing powder.

    Brothers and Sisters is worth at least taping. The thing holding it back from being very watchable indeed is its having been written for commercial telly, hence the need to tighten the screws at eight minute intervals.
    It has Love My Way potential, but is never allowed to realise it.
    And I think anyooe from a family larger than three can see a lot more in it than others – should we say it’s aimed at a small audience (like Gaddis’ Recognitions, in that R. was full of not-so-recondite Catholic allusions, B&S is full of large family matters) or not?
    Just the nonsense the brothers go on with, the lack of privacy, the constant disrespect of boundaries – don’t get me started….

  8. And yes, I find it very hard to believe the Clintons cancel dates with Chelsea to watch that hospital gunk. But I hate hospital shows anyway – I’ve spent too much time in the emergency and maternity wards, I think.

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