Spring break

It’s taking quite some adjusting this being back, not just at work, but full time work. The lads had spring vacation last week, the spring in spring vacation being only slightly more laughable than the fall in fall vacation when the days are still close enough to 40 degrees to let’s just say they are.

Anyhoo, I have always loved the lads’ school holidays. It’s a reminder of a being a full-time-at-home preschool mother only with less intensity, and they can make their own toast.

These holidays, I worked every day. The lads went to art camp in the mornings (which they loved, because their art teacher is absolutely wonderful) and made the most amazing rolling sculpture. Together. ‘And we didn’t even feel like arguing,’ they said. Then, in the afternoons, they went to various lovely friends’ houses and got taken to the pool and movies and so on.

But that’s my job, I couldn’t stop myself thinking. I am supposed to be that person who says, Of course, we’d love to have them, we’ll go to the pool, do you want to go to the pool?

I’m not saying I don’t still love my job. I’m just saying I missed the school holidays. I missed them a lot.

0 thoughts on “Spring break”

  1. I’m with you, I love school holidays although I did have a moment on the Thursday before school went back when I realised I’d done too much inviting over of other people’s kids and not enough farming out of my own two.

  2. I feel for you on this one.

    I didn’t love our first school holidays because well, I was at work and even though it is only three days a week I felt like I was missing out all the picnics and other shenanigans that went on around here. As well as actually spending some extra time together.

    Thinking of a career change based around the whole idea of school holidays – it will be rare that I get more than half my annual leave to coincide….

  3. I know! Always before I’ve been able to arrange it so I’m home for their holidays, but with my current job I can’t. 🙁 I miss being home with them, even though I am glad I’m working!

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