Something to see

Thanks to the good nature of the man with whom I share the care of my children, at Adelaide Fringe time I do get out and about quite a bit. There are evenings I must stay at home – his tennis nights, for example, are not to be interfered with, conscious as we are of our advancing years and our need to keep exercise in our lives – but there are many outings.

A most excellent time is March with much to invigorate and inspire.

Last year, I did overdose a bit on one-person performances, but Guy Masterson‘s performance of Dylan ThomasUnder Milk Wood was a treat. And last night, I went – with my father and his partner excellent theatre companions both, but you can’t have my father as your companion because if he isn’t being my companion I need him to babysit, the mister can’t be expected to stay home every night – to see him (Guy Masterton) perform in Fern Hill. If you like words written with lyricism, profundity and wit; if you like words which sneak up but lose no clarity in doing so; if you like words performed with a great love and a passionate respect, then you should go. You should go. He’s doing Under Milk Wood again this year too, and if you didn’t go last year, go this.

Just be aware that in the Holden Street Theatres, there is an air conditioner on the right wall as you’re facing stage. Don’t sit under it. I think rows 3 and 4 would be the worst. In row 5 you will just get cold knees. This is better advice than you might think.

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