Preparing myself

The looming summer dominates our conversations. We are delaying, as long as we can, switching the air conditioners on, knowing that it will be November before we turn them off again. But we are starting to sweat, we are seeking shade whenever we can, we are wearing skirts and short-sleeved shirts. We take deep breaths of each bearable day, savouring them, trying to embed their memory in our flesh. There are so few left.

For all that things are better this year than they were last, I would still rather be at home.

0 thoughts on “Preparing myself”

  1. of course you would rather be at home!

    THis reminds me so much of when we lived in Hong Kong. The noise of airconditioning units dominated the soundscape for those exact same months!

  2. I feel for you. Really really enjoying a good old fashioned autumn here in Melbourne. But you didn’t want to hear that did you?

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