Our favourite son (that’s Leyton) out of the Australian Open. Now what will we watch.

Adelaide knew what it was to lose.

She had lost every race she had ever run, every swim she had ever swum. She had missed out on law. She couldn’t find a job.

But her defeats were confined to her own small world. She had never lost on the international stage. Adelaide looked out the kitchen window and tried to imagine how Leyton Hewitt must feel. Knocked out of the Australian Open. In front of his home crowd.

Adelaide was no fan of Leyton Hewitt. She preferred a man who kept his cool. Still and all the same, Adelaide wished him no harm.

‘Go Ley-Ley,’ she said to herself. She shook her head and she did not smile.

She started stacking the breakfast dishes away. She hoped that people would not be too harsh. He had done his best, she thought. Still and all the same, Adelaide knew the realities of life.

Nobody likes a loser and people can be cruel.

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