On distraction

In which I spend the day attending to work as best I can

I can’t look away from the ABC and the news about the Liberal party eating itself. And trying to stay logged out of twitter. But I’m not sure what to say. And although it’s my dad’s birthday today I don’t want to write about grief or even about relationships…

…so today I’ve been getting some of my writing projects tidied up a bit, and as well as getting to work on my blog I’ve been doing some tinyletter work lately. So far, I’ve only posted them to myself but I’m getting on top of things now, so if you want to subscribe, the link is on this page over here

4 thoughts on “On distraction”

  1. I too have been spending more time than I have watching the train wreck. On the ABC (naturally).
    This is NOT going to end well. For the politicians (which bothers me not), or for the country. Which does.

    1. I must apologise for my unfriendly blog that sent your comment for approval … extremely rude given your longstanding loyalty to it! And no, it won’t end well and I’m going to try to spend far fewer hours today glued to ABC news

  2. I kept on checking the ABC yesterday, to find out what on earth had happened now. And then just when I thought it was all over, Turnball came out fighting.

    1. If only it hadn’t taken him so long to find the courage of his convictions (not that I was ever going to be a real fan of his, but you know what I mean)

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