Old Adelaide Gaol

PC has been talking about signs which talk about children which reminded me of something a little odd that I wanted to share with you.

Obviously, the last few weeks have been a bit awful, but during the school holidays, I did try to do a few things with my boys apart from putting them in front of televisions, computers and DS screens. One such thing was a visit to the Old Adelaide Gaol, a trip which I intend to blog about at some length. I was actually trying to teach my boys about the complexity of prisons and imprisonment. They play all these games with guns (pretend ones, obvs, because ‘we don’t have guns in this house’) and constant phrases such as ‘I’ll lock you in jail’. My friends seem to be divided on my approach to this form of education, but it was an interesting day nonetheless and had some of the desired impact.

Anyway, I’ll tell you all about it another day. In the meantime, I thought you might be interested to know that one of the first things we saw was this:


It says a lot, no?


I also wanted to say thanks so much for your comments and emails and messages of support. I’m going okay. Sad, but okay.

0 thoughts on “Old Adelaide Gaol”

  1. I also took my offspring to an old prison (in Fremantle) during the holidays. I too haven’t blogged about it, although I haven’t got quite the same excuse as you.

  2. Aren’t there supposed to be hauntings and so on? I’m a bit more responsive to the paranormal than I have any desire to be, so I have always been kind of jumpy about going there.

  3. Aren’t there supposed to be hauntings and so on? I’m a bit more responsive to the paranormal than I have any desire to be, so I have always been kind of jumpy about going there.

  4. I think sad but okay is about the best you can do right now. Your kids probably think it was the best holiday what with the tv, dc, and computer.
    We are having a bit of a tough time right now and I’m thanking god for the tv, dc and computer.

  5. My three are rather well-behaved. Not docile or bovine, but polite and self-controlled while still being lively and interested. People compliment us on them, and if we are lucky, ask us how we manage it.

    “Cattle prods,” we say. Deadpan.

    Psychoanalyse that.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of screen time, or even a lot, in times of need.

  6. Dare I say that the sign seems to say more about the personality of the writer of the note than it says about anything else? I mean to make it an issue of personality rather than behaviour–well isn’t that in contravention of everything that is known about effective parenting, that you don’t attack the child but take issue with the behaviour? And to refer to children as ‘offspring’ as if they’re the result of a rather tawdry science experiment, well, let’s just say I think the note writer has more iss-ews than most.

    Glad you are as well as can be…

  7. Reminds me of the library blog I visited once where a commenter insisted, quite seriously, that if you did not show your children you could always get your books back on time you were not demonstrating responsible behaviour. OUCH. It’s hardly road rage, is it? especially if you pay the fines graciously.

  8. so I should be worried that people think I’m a boisterous, curious, easily excitable, occasionally petulant clums-a-tron with no inside voice?

    Like they didn’t know that already.

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