Not again in a hurry

The other day, the Thursday before last in fact, I found myself in such a position that going to Toys R Us was better than the position in which I had found myself. I’m just going to let the true awfulness of that statement penetrate your brain for a moment or two.

I have once been in the Adelaide Toys R Us so I sort of knew what to expect. Lots of plastic. Such as a box of plastic food, including plastic fries and burgers. Good grief. (I could say, ‘No doubt they tested better than the stuff you buy at those ‘family restaurants’, but really that would be too obvious, wouldn’t it?)

Anyway, I thought you would be interested in this as something you prolly wouldn’t see in the Adelaide Toys R Us. I must apologise for the quality of the photo, I had to take it on my phone. Anyway anyway, a prayer set which includes a prayer rug and scarf and skirt.

Fulla is, as far as I can work out, a sort of Barbie for this part of the world, though I’m sorry to say I did not know this while I was there, so I didn’t actually check to see whether there were any Barbies or, for that matter, Fullas. You can read more about it here.

I know, if I were a decent correspondent, I would go back to Toys R Us and investigate further for you and return with photos of the space where Fulla is and Barbie should be. But just to get there, I need to get myself to Mina Port, a drive which requires a level of intestinal fortitude of which I am but rarely in possession, and that’s before I even walk through the doors. And you can be fairly sure I will never again be in the position where a trip to Toys R Us is better than anything else I could be doing.