Mother’s Day

A long time ago, I wrote this short piece about Mother’s Day. It’s not the world’s best piece of writing, but I still feel that way.

Like a great number of people, I don’t go much for the commercialism of Mother’s Day, but I like that my boys made me cards and put on a music performance for me this morning.

My youngest boy also gave me a box which he made at school. He had already eaten whatever  it was that was supposed to have been inside. It was a coffee cup made of lollies – with a biscuit for the saucer, a marshmallow, and what sounds like it might have been a freckle. I love freckles. Apparently, ‘the box is the best bit’ anyway. Plus ‘it’s still got shredded paper’ inside.

And now, I’m off to sit outside in the sun and drink my coffee and read a book for an hour or so.

0 thoughts on “Mother’s Day”

  1. I’m the same re: commercialism etc – which is why it’s taken me 4yrs to get a present.

    Although a box with shredded paper in it sounds mighty fine. Jealous much.

  2. Hey, great piece!

    I like Mother’s Day because F is sweet to me and says lovely things about my parenting skills, which is always fun. And I always get a nice home-made card.

    But yes, I am well aware that at heart it’s a big commercial conspiracy.

  3. Sobering thoughts in that piece.

    We’re having a duck for Mother’s Day, and the sauce to accompany it smells delicious . . .

  4. O gosh, I think of the stolen children. I think of the stolen children of ‘adoption’. I think bloody dark thoughts of all the ‘stolen’ of the world.
    Some are under our noses.

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