
Oh. Eldest boy’s tooth has finally fallen out. Missing in action. The banana seems the most likely thing.

He sat on my lap for a while, and my arms still reach right around him, even if his legs have got a bit long. He had to get off so we wouldn’t be late for school.

I have warned him over the past few weeks: the tooth fairy is the least reliable of them all. And he said: what does reliable mean?

0 thoughts on “Milestones”

  1. Don’t put all the teeth in a little box on the bookshelf, only to be discovered several years hence, with a wail from the lossee: I thought the tooth fairy had these!?!

  2. Caramena, you put them in your jewellery box along with your earrings. One day in a few years time, as your son is in your bedroom watching you dress for an evening out, you will ask him to pass you your favourite pearl earrings. A split second later, you will realise you should have got the earrings yourself.

    (Later as you sit in the theatre pretending to understand the opera, you will wonder whether the babysitter did a better job of reassuring him than you did).

  3. Youse could have said they were your wisdom teeth. Every now and then the mister comes across my wisdom teeth (not sure where they are right now, must check) and it freaks him out.

    And tut-tut, like I said, the tooth fairy is by far the least reliable of them all.

  4. Mine at nearly eight was getting a bit cunning when about tooth number 6 fell out. He set up a test to see if the tooth fairy reliably existed or whether it was just mum. This involved hiding his tooth. If you saw the state of our house (in particular the kids’ bedroom, because I would rather do anything than housework)you would understand what a dilemma this was for me, especially silently in the middle of the night in the dark. Fortunately for me and the survival of the myth, I came across it completely by accident in a drawer and was able to stave off exposure for the moment.

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