Lunchtime in Adelaide

I was going to sit down and watch Days of our Lives while I ate my cheese and tomato sandwich for lunch (not toasted today) when I remembered that I’m boycotting Channel 9 until they do something meaningful about Sam Newman and The Footy Show and it’s frightening attitude to women. So I’ll watch Judge Judy instead.

Effective activism? We has it.

0 thoughts on “Lunchtime in Adelaide”

  1. Good onya. I’m with Stomper Girl – dunno the last time I watched Ch 9, yet have been lured to the evils of 10 thanks to watching the Biggest Loser with my eight year old.

    I remember watching DOOL as a uni student back in the 80s. They obviously didn’t have a lot of cash for sets because they used to wobble when a character opened the door and the same pot plant would feature in nearly every room. Are Bo and Hope still on? They must be in their fifties by now!

  2. Wow, you go girl.

    I had to watch channel 10 for the first time in years the other day to see Flight of the Conchords, and my head is still reeling from the sheer quantity of ads. I’ve decided to record it so that I can fast forward them. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for that kinda shit.

    I have fond memories of DOOL, from about the same time as Crit. I still say ‘Fuck me Roman’ when I’m shocked, which is a vestige of those days…

  3. “my head is still reeling from the sheer quantity of ads. I’ve decided to record it so that I can fast forward them. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for that kinda shit.”

    There’s a lot of commercial TV I like watching so I use the ads to do housework in. It’s amazing how many pairs of knickers you can fold up and put away in a standard ad break. You can also wash a sinkful of plates. And some days the getting up and running round in the ad breaks is the only exercise I get.

  4. “my head is still reeling from the sheer quantity of ads. I’ve decided to record it so that I can fast forward them. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for that kinda shit.”

    There’s a lot of commercial TV I like watching so I use the ads to do housework in. It’s amazing how many pairs of knickers you can fold up and put away in a standard ad break. You can also wash a sinkful of plates. And some days the getting up and running round in the ad breaks is the only exercise I get.

  5. You increase the effectiveness exponentially when you tell the world you are boycotting via your blog. I just don’t get the whole Sam Newman thing. Why is he still there?

  6. if I so much as glimpse a tv screen in operation I begin to feel like I’m on drugs.

    People like Sam Newman deserve an anthrax letter.
    Anyone know wher to get some? CSIRO.

  7. I’m only five months into this full time parenting gig but so far have managed to maintain the ‘no daytime TV’ line. I feel like that would be the beginning of the end – one episode of DOOL and next thing I’m sitting around in my bathrobe at 3pm, toast crumbs all down my front, fag ends soggily stubbed out in dregs of tea.

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