June is for blogging

I told myself I would get back in to blogging. As fun as facebook is, it steals ideas and time. I’ve never looked back through my journals like I’ve looked through my blog. My writing is neat, but hard to read and my journal voice has never quite lost its wounded tone and its overwrought angst. Without a blog, my mind is overflowing with ideas and no net to catch them. I love my blogging friends, and…I just like to blog.

In June, I told myself, I will start to blog again. With regularity. I circled it in my diary. But June? June is the month before the summer break and it’s end-of-school which means my young lads have exams and we need thank you gifts for teachers. I am back at Arabic lessons, I have one huge work deadline and another, I am on a strict novel diet of 1,000 words per day to get me up to 70,000 words before we hit July. I still have assignments that need to be done before I am assessed as Competent for Certificate III in Fitness. The mister made the smoothies with honey yoghurt instead of vanilla and the lads said, ‘You should have asked Mum’ and I said, ‘Just drink it, you have to drink it,’ which is something I don’t normally say and now I’m almost certain youngest tipped his down the bathroom sink. The cockroaches come back in June, the dog has a guts ache, the floor has a carpet of dust. At night I don’t know whether I am supposed to choose the age-defying or the restorative eye cream.

So here I am with ten minutes (okay, seven) where I planned to have an hour. And there is not an idea to be found.

9 thoughts on “June is for blogging”

  1. Welcome back. I have missed your distinctive voice. Your June sounds that terrible euphemism ‘challenging’. The sort of month where it is tempting to velcro oneself to the carpet under the bed and refuse to come out. Good luck with all that is on your plate.

    I vote for myself you understand for age-defying AND restorative eye cream. And would also apply minor miracle cream if I found it on the market.

  2. Well I liked what you did with your 7 minutes! I just had to blog a whole missed month in one single post, just so I knew all those things I wanted to remember weren’t lost. These days I blog so irregularly that I have to check my facebook feed to see what went on. (Is that ironic? I’m never quite sure…) It means my facebook friends are reading yesterday’s news if they come to my blog, but oh well. Like you, I enjoy re-reading old blog stuff so I really want to keep doing it. And I want you to keep doing it too. Circle that diary.

  3. You see, blogging is so fun and people are lovely and they are kind enough not to comment on the misplaced apostrophe in the its.

  4. I’m confused because there are no misplaced apostrophes, unless you edited before i came and read.

    I liked your seven minutes. Do it again soon, please.

  5. I videoed the weather in summer to show people how dry it was here and I think it may also have been our first catastrophic fire day. When the trees were lovely and coloured I took photos of them to blog too. I still have not uploaded any of the video or photos. You are doing well.

  6. You’re back! I’m going to try blogging again too. I miss it as well. So glad I keep up with most of my old blog friends on Twitter/Facebook, but it’s not *quite* the same, is it?

    I enjoyed this – just your tiny slices of life are always delicious.

  7. Life’s just better for us all when you’re blogging. Wish I could donate some of my empty 7-minute blocks of time for you to blog with.

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